Reconnect with your Inner Child...

Your inner child is simply your much younger self.

Connect with them to access profound healing, joy, and wonder.

They’re only a thought away!

A video lesson with Dr. Clare Johnson, and three deep and joyful guided meditations. Yours to download and keep forever.

1) Inner Child Guided Dream Re-entry

2) Love Your Younger Selves

3) Playdate With Your Inner Child

Meditation #1:
Inner Child Guided Dream Re-entry

This healing dream technique helps you reconnect with your inner child.

Meditation #2:
Love Your Younger Selves

Support your inner child and give them the love and tools they need.

Meditation #3:
Playdate With Your Inner Child

Rediscover joy, safety, and wonder with your inner child.

About the Course

Most people experienced difficult situations as a child, from having to move house and leave their best friend behind, to losing a beloved person or pet, parental separation, or other trauma such as violence and abuse in the home.

The good news is, it's never too late to heal past wounds.

When you relax and listen to these dreamlike guided meditations, your imagination and memories will engage. With your lucid awareness, you will be able to access deep healing and love. It's easy but powerful.

In the class video, you’ll learn three vital steps for healing your inner child.

Your inner child is simply your much younger self.

The guided meditations help you to connect with your child-self at any age so that you can give your inner child the tools and wisdom they needed but didn’t always receive in moments of distress.

You’ll rediscover the joy and wonder of being a kid when you take your younger self on a playdate in your imagination.

The lucid meditations can also be used for reconnecting with ancestors, to heal and resolve ancestral trauma

This video and audio course has been specially created by lucid dreaming pioneer and global lucidity teacher, Dr. Clare Johnson.

Dr. Clare has spent decades developing practices to help people heal through a unique mix of dreamwork, guided visualisations, lucid awareness and bodywork.

All three meditations are downloadable, yours to keep forever. Enjoy this magical connection with your inner child!

Deeper Expansion

"The meditations really enabled a deeper expansion within, which is something I'll take with me for a lifetime.

Just having the opportunity to be around Clare transformed my life."


Lincoln, Virgin Islands

Transformative Lucidity participant


"Dr Clare Johnson has the scientific knowledge and her bright spirituality.

The combination makes her courses very influential.

It's always illuminating to listen to her."


Elif, Turkey,

Power of Dreams participant

Unique Teachings

"Dr. Johnson has a warm, wonderful presence and a unique way of teaching lucid dreaming that's very profound. I have more lucid dreams, my nighttime is transformed. I'm a more positive, happier person."


Joachim, Canada,

Yoga Nidra participant


(Includes all taxes)

"Your class was life-changing for me. And I'm the kind of person who criticises people saying that usually!"

- Samantha D., France

About Your Teacher

Dr. Clare Johnson is a world-leading authority on lucid dreaming and was the first person in the world to do a PhD on lucid dreaming as a creative tool.

Past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and the author of seven dream books, she has dedicated her entire life to exploring consciousness, lucidity, and the healing bliss of liminal sleep states.

Clare is also a yoga instructor and novelist, well used to working with breath, body, and the power of the imagination.

Clare's website with lucid dreaming tips, interviews, and articles is